Research Publications
Books / Book Chapters / Edited Conference Proceedings
P. John, N. J. Vasa, N. Sujatha (2018), "Selective detection of glucose using supercontinuum source based dual wavelength low coherence interferometry", OSA TP033, ISBN 978-93-88653-41-1/2018
Bala Nivetha K, and N. Sujatha (2012), "Assessment of surface roughness based on laser Image autocorrelation method", Proceedings of international conference on biomedical signals, systems and imaging, IIT Madras.
Cerine Lal, Arnab Banerjee and N. Sujatha (2012), "Fractality Vs Contrast of laser speckle image: A tool for assessing flow velocity and scatterer concentration in phantom body fluids", presented at 1st international meeting on Biophotonics, Tel Aviv, Israel Dec 9-11.
A. K. Jayanthy, N. Sujatha and M. Ramasubba Reddy (2011), "Non invasive capillary blood flow measurement: Laser speckle and Laser Doppler", Proceedings of International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedical Engineering (ICBCBBE), Paris, pp. 1214-1219.
K. Jayanthy, N. Sujatha and M. Ramasubba Reddy (2010), "Laser speckle contrast imaging based blood flow analysis in normals and in patients with skin diseases", Proceedings of ICCESS, WASET 69, Singapore.
S. Sajitha and N. Sujatha (2010),"Vocal dose measurements and its potential applications", Proceedings of National Systems Conference, Dec 10-12, NIT Suratkal.
A. K. Jaynathy, N. Sujatha and M. Ramasubba Reddy (2009), "Laser speckle contrast imaging for analyzing static scatterer concentration in body fluids", Proceedings of International Conference on Optics and Photonics, C1.5.
Sujatha, N., Murukeshan, V. M., Ong, L. S., and Seah, L. K. (2004), "Application of Digital speckle shearography for NDT of inner curved surfaces of tissue/tissue-like phantoms", International Conference, Optics ad photonics in technology frontier, Tokyo, Japan, 12-15 July.
Murukeshan, V. M., Sujatha, N., Seah, L. K., and Ong, L. S. (2005), "An all fiber optic endoscope probe distal end for disease diagnosis in body cavities", Proceedings of SPIE, 5651, pp. 321-331. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.580468